CONFIRMATION FIRST YEAR: Teenagers must be between 8th and 11th grade.

During this first year we seek to introduce young people to the person of Jesus, we seek to evangelize young people so that they can be missionary disciples to other young people, their families and schools to which they belong. All our faith is based on the life of Jesus Christ; therefore, it is necessary to deepen in key questions such as: Who is Jesus? How can I overcome evil? Does Jesus heal today? Etc. To achieve that goal, we will be using ALPHA for Youth.

The Archdiocese of Chicago, to which we belong, requires that all teens preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation complete two years of formation prior to receiving the sacrament. Sessions for teens in grades 8-11 will be in person every other week.

If your child has NOT received First Communion, he/she must also meet the following requirements. All the teens will be required to attend three different retreats during the first year of formation, please reserve the entire day for these activities. Attendance at the retreats is required as part of the formation. We will not have additional activities to make up for any retreats.

Classes will begin with the first retreat on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. The class schedule will be provided to you once you are enrolled in the Confirmation Year 1 program.

Classes for Confirmation First Year will be available on the following days:

Saturday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am (English only).

Mondays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (English only)

Year 1: Candidates who have NOT yet received First Communion, and who have completed the entire formation, will be able to receive this sacrament at the end of the first year.

  • For the candidate’s registration you will need:

  • Birth Certificate Baptismal Certificate

  • First Communion Certificate (for those who have already received this Sacrament)

  • Identification with photograph of father or mother

  • School document showing the grade the adolescent completed or is about to begin Parent’s email address (Gmail preferably)

  • Teen’s email address (Gmail preferred)

CONFIRMATION SECOND YEAR: During the second year of formation we will continue the formation of the youth on the sacrament of Confirmation, we will continue to deepen on how they can live their life as disciples of Jesus. The goal is that once the youth receive their Confirmation they can remain actively connected to the life of the Church through parish ministries where they can stay active and feel an important part of the community of faith. To help us achieve this goal we will utilize Life Teen’s Purpose Program.

In order to enroll your teen in the second year Confirmation formation program it will be necessary that: Your teen has completed the first year of formation to receive this sacrament and must have paid the full balance of the first year enrollment.

If you have an outstanding balance from the previous year please call 847-623-2655 Ext 409, 411 and 412 for more information.

For teens returning for the second year to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, we will meet every other week on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The teen needs to have a personal email address with google Gmail service. Classes start Tuesday on August 29, 2023.

In person parent formation continues during the second year of Confirmation, at least one parent/tutor is to attend parent formation every other week when the teen attends. The sponsor is also required to attend three sessions, the first session including sponsors is August 29, 2023.

To register for Confirmation Second Year, you will need:

● Mom or Dad’s ID

● Parent’s email address (Gmail preferred)

● Teen’s email address