Adoración Nocturna
At the same time the Society was spreading from Paris to Canada and the United States.
Through the efforts of another layman, Doctor Thomas Dwight, The Society came into existence in Boston, Massachusetts in 1882. New York City saw the beginnings of nocturnal adoration in connection with the Forty Hours devotion. In 1912 Cardinal John Farley sought and obtained affiliation with the Archconfraternity authorized the Society to affiliate other centers in the United States.
La Adoración Nocturna Americana tiene 12 años que se inició en la Parroquia de Santísima Trinidad en Waukegan il. Su finalidad radica en lo manifestado por la Bula Transiturus de 1264, por el Concilio de Trento, por la Mediator Dei o en la Eucharisticum mysterium que es: “adorar con amor al mismo Cristo; adorar con Cristo al Padre «en espíritu y en verdad»; ofrecerse con Él, como víctimas penitenciales, para la salvación del mundo y para la expiación de todo pecado; orar, permanecer amorosamente en la presencia de Aquel que nos ama”. La Adoración se constituye por fieles que reunidos mensualmente se turnan para adorar a Cristo Eucaristía, representando así a la humanidad y en el nombre de la Iglesia. En esta devoción se celebra el Sacrificio eucarístico, se permanece durante la noche por turnos ante el Sacramento, rezando la Liturgia de las Horas y haciendo oración silenciosa.
Por lo anterior, la invitación expresa a participar en la vigilia mensual para rendir culto y alabar a Dios en las horas de la noche, y es para todas las personas, hombres y mujeres, niños y niñas, sin importar la edad. Asistir a la AN fortalece la fe y la conexión con lo divino, así como otorga un espacio de tranquilidad y reflexión haciendo de esta devoción algo especial y extraordinario.
History of National Nocturnal Adoration Society: “was developed from the practice of night adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the Forty Hours devotion. At the time when the Church was threatened by widespread heresy in the nations of Europe and by invading hostile Muslim force in the East, Pope Clement VIII, in 1592, instituted the Forty Hours devotion in the city of Rome in order to offer incessant prayer to the Lord, imploring his help and his grace for the protection of his People menaced by such grave danger.
Two centuries later. In 1809, another crisis threatened the Church. In the aftermath of the French revolution, in the political and religious upheaval in Europe, Napoleon had risen to power and had made Pope Pius VII his prisoner.
Ecclesiastical approval was given to these adorers and in 1810 the Nocturnal Adoration Society came into existence. Its center was the church of Santa Maria in Via Lata in Rome.
In 1863, he started a society of nocturnal adoration in London. The cause for his canonization has been introduced in Rome.
From France, the Society spread in several dir3ections. It was founded in Madrid, Spain in 1877. Its growth in Spain was so extraordinary that in a short time there were 500 centers with more than 100,000 members. From Mexico it crossed into Texas and California in the United Stated. The National Headquarters to Mexico is the Church of Saint Phillip of Jesus in Mexico City.
Fecha: Cada primer sábado del mes
Horario: 7:30pm (Inician mujeres), 8:30pm demás asistentes
Lugar: Sagrada Familia, salón #4
Finaliza: 6:45am / 7:00am Misa dominical.
Guía o Ritual: Oficio del Orador